Edward's Ethics Blog | eatkins1

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CSE 40175- Ethical and Professional Issues

  • Is artificial intelligence something that should be embraced or feared? Do you believe in the hype?

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  • What are the limits of freedom of speech on the Internet? Is online censorship a desirable good, a necessary evil, or a bad idea be avoided?

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  • If corporations are afforded the same rights as individual persons, should they also be expected to have the same ethical and moral obligations and responsibilities? Who (if anyone) or what (if anything) should enforce fair play and competition between corporations?

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  • Where do you draw the line between individual privacy and national security? In a democracy, which one is paramount?

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  • According to Roger Boisjoly, “[whistleblowing] destroyed [his] career, [his] life, everything else.” What good, then, is whistleblowing?

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  • How should the computing and technology community work towards creating a welcoming, diverse, and inclusive community? Is this a moral imperative or a laudable goal or unlikely wish?

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  • What is your overall impression of the hiring process in your chosen industry? Is it efficient? Is it effective? Is it ethical?

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  • What is your identity and how does it impact how you see the world and how the world sees you?

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  • What does it mean to be an ethically responsible person and is that something you strive for?

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